Learning to Say “No”:
Individual Therapy for People-Pleasers
Online Therapy for Codependency in Tennessee
You are the one who does it all.
Growing up you always prided yourself on being the supportive one, the reliable one… the golden child. You were the stable one when things would get pretty chaotic and you learned to put everyone’s needs first. Back then, it helped you feel needed and important and loved when you would take care of everyone else. But, at this point, you’ve done it so long that it’s an obligation and you’re realizing that you don’t even know what your own needs are, sometimes. It would be nice if everyone didn’t rely on you for everything.
You’re in the middle of everything, all of the time.
No matter how hard you try, it seems like whenever something goes wrong, you’re the one that everyone calls on.
You have everyone’s phone numbers in the family and they count on you to make things better. Even when you don’t want to help or don’t have time to, you guilt yourself into doing it to not disappoint anyone. You want time to yourself but you just don’t know how to say “no”... and mean it. At the end of the day, it all leaves you feeling so... alone.
You’re exhausted, but you can’t stop.
Whenever you get up the courage to take a break, you worry that everything would fall apart or everyone would just leave you. You don’t remember a time when it wasn’t like this - it’s just who you are and who other people expect you to be.
You’re reaching your breaking point.
You find yourself resenting others when you do a favor, feeling angry for people who depend on you, and secretly hoping that you won’t get another text from someone asking you for something. You are so overwhelmed but you keep finding yourself adding more to your plate. You just want it to stop.
Deep down, you just want to be more in touch with what you actually want and need.
You keep hoping that one day your schedule will free up and people will stop asking you for help. You wish that you didn’t care so much about what everyone thought of you and that you could just have the freedom to say “no” once in a while.
The problem is that no one is going to do it for you.
Imagine a life where you didn’t have to commit to everything that came your way and that you didn’t have to be the one that everyone relied on.
Think about what it would be like to have control over your own decisions, your schedule, and your life. Just consider being able to take a deep breath and relax, knowing that you don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to.
Imagine actually being able to put down boundaries with other people and be in relationship with others on your own terms.
This life is possible.
I’m here to tell you that you can put your own needs first without sacrificing your relationships.
In fact, oftentimes boundaries and self care can help you get closer to other people because you can build genuine relationships that aren’t founded on doing things out of obligation or guilt.
I can help you to identify what you need, explore ways to meet those needs, and build fulfilling relationships. Through working together, we can create a life for you that gives you freedom and connection without all of the resentment or shame that weighs you down.

The first step is scheduling a free, 20-minute consultation to see if we would be a good fit.
There is no obligation, no strings attached, and no fine print. Find a time that works for you by clicking, below.