Helping overachievers slow down and regain control of their lives.
Online therapy for millennial women in Tennessee
A place for stressed out women to calm the chaos,
learn to say "no," and start taking care of themselves.
It seems like no matter how hard you work, it’s never enough.
You work your ass off - at home, with friends, and at your job. You’re a top earner and you have gone further than you had ever expected to go.
But, no matter how successful you are, you continue to push yourself to do more - to earn more - to be more - and you’re getting tired.
You try so freaking hard to be the best - at work and in life. You know that you should feel proud… like you’ve earned your rest, but you never have time to slow down and enjoy what you’ve created.
Instead, you feel like you can never say “no” and everyone else’s needs come before your own.
You are stretched too thin at your job and honestly, you are downright exhausted at trying to be the best daughter, partner, and friend that you can be.
Looking back, it used to feel so good to accomplish things, get the gold stars, and make the A’s.
You used to pride yourself on being the good one, the smart one, and the dependable one. You felt important when everyone would call on you in the middle of the night when there was a problem. Now, it’s getting old.
Everything feels overwhelming and unfulfilling and the high of success wears off a little faster each time.
You don’t want to push yourself into burn out but you know that that’s where you’re headed - and fast. It’s all just too much.
You’re so tired of getting dragged into family problems, being the peacemaker, and taking on the extra work. Sometimes you wish it would all just stop and that everyone would leave you alone - you just want to take a damn breath.
Everyone thinks that you have it all together, but really, you feel like you’re a mess inside.
You just wish that you could just take a day to rest and enjoy your life but instead, you find yourself on autopilot day after day after day.
You’re doing more and more and more until you feel like you just can’t take it any longer.
It’s never enough. And, deep down, you worry that it’s because you are not enough.
You wonder when this will stop, when enough will be enough, and you can finally enjoy the life that you’ve worked to create.
You want to feel joy again, to relax without your mind racing through all of those to-dos, and to really feel present in your life. You want to stop feeling so overwhelmed by work and family and life. You’re finally ready to unbox past experiences so that you can actually process them, accept them, and move on.
Imagine being able to actually do that - to quiet the noise, to start saying “no,” and to actually
take time for yourself.
Imagine feeling present, fulfilled, and worthy of rest.
Imagine a life where you actually weren’t afraid of slowing down because you were at peace with yourself
without the worry, guilt, or fear of upsetting others.
We can do that. We can work together to figure out how you can stay motivated without burning yourself out.
We can unpack the shitty things that have happened to you without letting them take over your life now.
And, I can help you to figure out ways for you to slow down, feel better, and actually be in touch with what you need.
I help overworked women slow down, be present, and stop beating themselves up (without everything falling apart in the process).
When you're the one that holds it all together, it can be pretty tough to ask for help. And, now that you're ready, you don't need someone who will just nod and agree, you need someone who will do the work with you - to challenge you, support you, and keep you accountable to your own goals. You want someone who is willing to go deep and actually help you to create change in your life - the kind of change that you've been yearning for, for years.
That's where I come in.
I help you to cut through the noise so that we can focus on what is really contributing to your problems. We work together to find customized solutions that fit with what you need and how your brain operates to create lasting change. It’s important to me that you not only experience change, but understand how it happened, so that you can leave feeling empowered and ready to take on future issues.
Together, we can work through past trauma, calm the chaos, and regain control of your life.

By now, you’ve scrolled through enough websites to know what you need.
Stop debating and schedule your free 20-minute phone consultation, today, to see if we’re a fit.